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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


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Wow - great article - on many levels. Thank you for doing the research! As a Communication Coach/Trainer I often discuss/teach body language cues, verbal/non-verbal techniques etc. A lot of folks want to know "how do I spot a liar?" and unfortunately there are too many 'gurus' out there teaching a few body language notes and calling it lie detection. I agree with your assessment. Paul Ekman's work has been oft-quoted, and the TV show Lie to Me popularized micro-expression detection, but I am glad to see an article that does not try to propose a handful of tips and tricks to 'teach' lie detection. Great job. And as a side-note I work with the Police as an independent contractor, and I will forward your blog to them. They should read this. Thanks!

Don Penven

Thank you for your comments. We agree that too many "Human Lie Detectors" have spent too much time on body language and not enough on statement analysis.

Keep up the good work!

Don Penven

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